Our Mission, Culture & Promise
Calero's mission is to support students to recover credits, help them build success habits, and plan for a successful future. Everything we do at Calero is directed by our mission.
Credit Recovery
Calero provides multiple avenues for students to recover credits including Cyberhigh, Adult Education at nearby campuses, community college courses online and on site.
Every student recovers credits online during their Cyberhigh class.
Calero offers summer school courses
Build Success Habits
Calero students have two things in common: they all have ability yet they are under-performing. The Advisory program is the place students begin to reflect on the habits/practices that are keeping them from being successful.
Every new student is invited to attend our Summer Bridge Program
Every student at Calero receives a Success Binder and laptop
Prepare for College and Careers
Calero provides students with a plan for their future. Their first task is to recover credits, pass all of their A-G courses with an A,B. or C, and then the world starts to open up for them with online college courses, SVCTE opportunities, and more.
Calero schedules fall and spring college field trips for all grade levels
Calero has an academic counselor who works to ensure students are on track to graduate and ready for college and careers.
Calero's default student schedule is A-G.
At Calero we teach, model and celebrate our 3R's: Respect, Responsibility, Results
The foundation of all healthy relationships is respect.
RESPECT starts with respect for self, for others, and for our environment.
We accept the premise that we cannot have freedom without accepting RESPONSIBILITY.
When students accept responsibility for themselves they become empowered, their self-esteem is nourished, and every dream becomes possible.
We are a RESULTS oriented school and celebrate individual and group success.
Calero's Three Promises to Parents/Guardians: Safety, Love, Growth
Your child will be safe at Calero.
There is nothing more important than the safety of your child. You have got to know that, however your child gets to Calero, your son/daughter will be safe.
Safety is our primary responsibility and concern and we take it seriously.
Please help us by partnering with us and staying connected.
How you can support:
Registering for Remind
Check Canvas for your child's academic progress
Calling the attendance office if your child is late or ill
Your child will be loved at Calero.
We seek out and recruit staff who really love young adults first, their subject matter second.
We see a human being first, a student second.
Your child will grow at Calero.
Where ever your son/daughter is at the moment they enter Calero, our promise is to support their personal (social/emotional) and academic growth.