Application/ Registration
Calero HIGH School is an alternative school of choice, offering a comprehensive education, including A - G coursework eligible for immediate entry into University of California/California State University systems. It has functioned in this manner since August of 2013.
If you attended the Calero COMMUNITY School before August of 2013, Calero High does not have any access to your records. Those records can only be obtained at the Santa Clara County Office of Education. Please contact that office at (408) 453-6500.
Enroll Here - please visit our Enroll Here page to access the enrollment forms.
A transcript can be requested in person, or by U.S. Mail.
A Transcript Request form MUST be filled out with original signature
The Transcript Request Form can be picked up in the Enrollment Office. A form may also be requested via email to Registrar Cyndie Meagher at
There is NO FEE charged. This is subject to change in the future
Allow up to 3 business days from the time we receive the request for it to be mailed out.
Office hours: Monday – Friday, 7:30am – 3pm
Always provide a phone number and email in case we need to contact you with questions
You must supply full name of college or employer that you need the transcript sent to, with full address/phone information and who to make it attention to. Please don’t assume that we will know where you want it sent or which department you need it sent to.
Incomplete request forms can delay your request
If you have questions about the process, please call our Registrar, Ms. Cyndie Meagher at (408) 347-7612, or email her at: